About Us

The Dashing YA Book Tours is an online virtual book tour hosting organization started by Aparajita @Le' Grande Codex. We are a Fiction book tour company and our long term goal is an attempt to foster the magical and exciting moment shared between the author and their readers by bringing together a cost friendly and an exciting virtual blog tour program. Authors value the opinions of their readers a lot in shaping their book so it is a small attempt to do just that with exciting interviews, elusive book reviews, amazing giveaway and add some guest posts to the mix too and you get an exclusive and an exciting package of bookish goodness.

Aparajita Basu

Hello there my name is Aparajita Basu and yes I'm from India. I have become so book crazy that I finish one book and then move onto the next one without a stop. I am obsessed with books. I love buying them. I love collecting them. I blame 'Jo Rowling' for my unhealthy book obsession. Before I was introduced to the Harry Potter saga I was an occasional reader and not at all book crazy but not the case now. No worries i'm loving this part of my life really well.

But this doesn't mean that I don't have a life.

Besides my book craze I am a B.A. in media Studies graduate from Allahabad University, India, an up and coming graphic designer and a future VFX creative director and hoping to make it big in the Animation industry. I also love to watch movies (preferably Hollywood with selected few Bollywood) and listen to music, going places, talking to people and helping round the house. So yes i do have a life besides books. Oh yes i forgot to mention i have an unhealthy but to a lesser degree obsession for Japanese manga and anime as well. Oh and Le' Grande Codex is my second blog after The 'A' - Jurnale.

I created The Dashing YA Book Tours as an outlet for spreading my love for books and help authors find a niche for their book.

You can contact me at my email id (aparajita_19@hotmail.com) if you wish to know more.